Brenton Webster

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FastBar's Technical Architecture

Previously, I've discussed the start of FastBar, how the client and server technology stacks evolved and what it looks like today (read more in part 1, part 2 and part 3 of that series).

As a recap, here's what the high-level components of FastBar look like:

Let's dive deeper.


So, what does FastBar’s architecture look like under the hood? Glad you asked:

Client apps:

  • Registration: used to register attendees at an event, essentially connecting their credit card to a wristband and all of the associated features that are required at a live event

  • Point of Sale: used to sell stuff at events

These are both mobile apps built in Xamarin and running on iOS devices.

The server is more complicated from an architectural standpoint, and is divided into the following primary components:

  • - the primary customer facing website. Built on Squarespace, this provide primarily marketing content for anyone wanting to learn about FastBar

  • - our main web app which provides 4 key functions:

    • User section - as user, there are a few functions you can perform on FastBar, such as creating an account, adding a credit card, updating your user profile information and if you've got the permissions, creating events. This section is pretty basic

    • Attendee section - as an attendee, you can do things like pre-register for an event, view your tab, change your credit card, email yourself a receipt and adjust your tip. This is the section of the site that receives the most traffic

    • Event Control Center section - this is by far the largest section of the web app, it's where events can be fully managed: configuring details, connecting payment accounts, configuring taxes, setting up pre-registration, managing products and menus, viewing reports and downloading data and a whole lot more. This is where event organizers and FastBar staff spend the majority of their time

    • Admin section - various admin related features used by FastBar support staff. The bulk of management related to a specific event, they would do from the Event Control Center if acting on behalf of an event organizer

  • - our API, primarily used by our own internal apps. We also open up various endpoints to some partners. We don’t make this broadly accessible publicly yet because it doesn't need to be. However, it’s something we may decide to open up more broadly in the future

The main web app and API share the same underlying core business logic, and are backed by a variety of other components, including:

  • WebJobs:

    • Bulk Message Processor - whenever we're sending a bulk message, like an email or SMS that is intended to go to many attendees, the Bulk Message Processor will be responsible for enumerating and queuing up the work. For example, if we were to send out a bulk SMS to 10,000 attendees of the event, whatever initiates this process (the web app or the API) will queue up a work item for the Bulk Message Processor that essentially says "I want to send a message to a whole bunch of people". The Bulk Message Processor will pick up the message and start enumerating 10,000 individual work items that it will queue up for processing by the Outbound SMS Processor, a downstream component. The Outbound SMS Processor will in turn pick up each work item and send out individual SMSs

    • Order Processor - whenever we ingest orders from the POS client via the API, we do the minimal amount of work possible so that we can respond quickly to the client. Essentially, we're doing some initial validation and persisting the order in the database, then queuing a work item so that the Order Processor can take care of the heavy lifting later, and requests from the client are not unnecessarily delayed. This component is very active during an event

    • Outbound Email Processor - responsible for sending an individual email, for example as the result of another component that queued up some work for it. We use Mailgun to send emails

    • Outbound Notification Processor - responsible from sending outbound push notifications. Under the covers this uses Azure Notification Hub

    • Outbound SMS Processor - responsible for sending individual SMS messages, for example a text message update to an attendee after they place an order. We send SMSs via Twilio

    • Sample Data Processor - when we need to create a sample event for demo or testing purposes, we send this work to the Sample Data Processor. This is essentially a job that a admin user may initiate from the web app, and since it could take a while, the web app will queue up a work item, then the Sample Data Processor picks it up and goes to work creating a whole bunch of test data in the background

    • Tab Authorization Processor - whenever we need to authorize someone's credit card that is connected to their tab, the Tab Authorization Processor takes care of it. For example, if attendees are pre-registering themselves for an event week before hand, we vault their credit card details securely, and only authorize their card via the Tab Authorization Processor 24 hours before the event starts

    • Tab Payment Processor - when it comes time execute payments against a tab, the Tab Payment Processor is responsible for doing the work

    • Tab Payment Sweeper - before we can process a tab's payment, that work needs to be queued. For example, after an event, all tabs get marked for processing. The Tab Payment Sweeper runs periodically, looking for any tabs that are marked for processing, and queues up work for the Tab Payment Processor. It's similar in concept to the Bulk Message Processor in that it's responsible for queuing up work items for another component

    • Tab Authorization Sweeper - just like the Tab Payment Sweeper, the Tab Authorization Sweeper looks for tabs that need to be authorized and queues up work for the Tab Authorization Processor

  • Functions

    • Client Logs Dispatcher - our client devices are responsible for pushing up their own zipped-up, JSON formatted log files to Azure Blob Storage. The Client Logs Dispatcher then takes the logs and dispatches them to our logging system, which is Log Analytics, part of Azure Monitor

    • Server Logs Dispatcher - similar in concept to the Client Logs Dispatcher, the Server Logs Dispatcher is responsible for taking server-side logs, which initially get placed into Azure Table Storage, and pushing them to Log Analytics so we have both client and server logs in the same place. This allows us to do end to end queries and analysis

    • Data Exporter - whenever a user requests an esport of data, we handle this via the Data Exporter. For large events, an export could take some time. We don’t want to tie up request threads or hammer the database, so we built the Data Exporter to take care of this in the background

    • Tab Recalculator - we maintain a tab for each attendee at an event, it's essentially the summary of all of their purchases they've made at the event. From time to time, changes happen that require us to recalculate some or all tabs for an event. For example, let's say the event organizer realized that beer was supposed to be $6, but was accidentally set for $7 and wanted to fix this going forward, and for all previous orders. This means we need to recalculate all tabs that have orders involving the affected products. For a large event there could be many thousands of tabs affected by this change, and since each tab has unique characteristics, including the rules around how totals should be calculated, this has to be done individually for each tab. The Tab Recalculator takes care of this work in the background

    • Tags Deduplicator - FastBar is a complicated distributed system that support offline operation of client devices like the Registration and POS apps. On the server side, we also process things in parallel in the background. Long story short, these two characteristics mean that sometimes data can get out of sync. The Tags Deduplicator helps put some things back in sync so eventually arrive at a consistent state

Azure Functions vs WebJobs

So, how come some things are implemented as Functions and some as WebJobs? Quite simply, the WebJobs were built before Azure Functions existed and/or before Azure Functions really became a thing.

Nowadays, it seems as though Azure Functions are the preferred technology to use so we made the decision a while ago to create any new background components using Functions, and, if any significant refactoring was required to a WebJob, we'll take the opportunity to move it over to a Function as well.

Over time, we plan on phasing out WebJobs in favor of Functions.

Communication Between the Web App / API and Background Components

This is almost exclusively done via Azure Storage Queues. The only exception is the Client Logs Dispatcher, which can also be triggered by a file showing up in Blob Storage.

Azure has a number of queuing solutions that could be used here. Storage queues is a simple solution that does what we need, so we use it.

Communication with 3rd Party Services

Wherever we can, we’ll push interaction with 3rd party services to background components. This way, if 3rd party services are running slowly or down completely for a period of time, we minimize impact on our system.

Blob and Table Storage

We utilize Blog storage in a couple of different ways:

  • Client apps upload their logs directly to blog storage for processing bys the Client Logs Dispatcher

  • Client apps have a feature that allows the user to create a bug report and attach local state. The bug is logged directly into our work item tracking system, Pivotal Tracker. We also package up the client side state and upload it to blob storage. This allows developers to re-create the state on a client device on their own device, or the simulator for debugging purposes

Table storage is used for the initial step in our server-side logging. We log to Table storage, and then push that data up to Log Analytics via the Server Logs Dispatcher.

Azure SQL

Even though there are a lot of different technologies to store data these days, we use Azure SQL for a few key reasons: it’s familiar, it works, it’s a good choice for a financial system like FastBar where data is relational and we require ACID semantics.


That’s a brief overview of FastBar’s technical architecture. In future posts, I’ll go over more of the why behind the architectural choices and the key benefits that it has.